
Book Writing Help

Welcome to our book writing platform, a place where we provide expert book writing assistance for authors and aspiring writers. We understand that writing a book can be an intimidating endeavor, and the process might feel overwhelming

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That’s why we’re here to offer guidance, support, and expertise to help you bring your story to life. Our team of seasoned writers and editors is committed to helping you achieve your goals, whether you’re looking to write a memoir, a novel, a self-help book, or any other type of book. Let us help you take the first step towards realizing your writing dreams

Our Happy Clients!

" transformed my rough ideas into a polished masterpiece. Their exceptional writing skills and prompt service are simply unbeatable. A lifesaver for every writing project!"
"My book was stuck in limbo until stepped in. Their insightful perspective and sharp writing took my work to the next level. A truly invaluable service."
" has an uncanny ability to capture my voice in every piece. They are my go-to for high-quality, professional writing with a personal touch. Highly recommended!"

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Our Process

Order Details

Our staff contacts the client when the order is placed and discusses every aspect of the plot, premise, or the book's subject matter. Then, the committee holds a meeting to discuss the proposal with the team. Once confident that a masterpiece can be created from the concept, the team selects the writer or the writer volunteers

Selection of Ghostwriter

After you approve our extensively researched outline, our storytellers will immediately start writing your first draft based on your idea. As soon as the first chapter is completed, our staff can email the customer a draft of the first chapter.

Approval of Hook

We continually perform multiple iterations on editing the drafts to improve our writing process. Our teams keep you updated about the content in progress. Our editor continues to proofread and edit the manuscript until the book is completed, editing it according to international guidelines

Writing Phase

As soon as the manuscript is written, revised, proofread, and approved by the customer, we meticulously format it by adding fonts, illustrations, and incorporating the approved front and back covers. We seek client feedback at every step to ensure we are moving in the right direction

Approval of Verses

After the final manuscript is accepted, we print the book in your preferred format and execute a personalized marketing and promotional plan. Through our professional writing and publication services, we have helped hundreds of clients become writers

Feedback & Warm Wishes

When all the verses are complete, we look forward to your feedback and encourage you to compare the final product with your initial concept, seeing for yourself why hiring a songwriter was the right decision

Our Features

You’re just a few clicks away from becoming a published author. Share your story, and we’ll transform it into a bestseller. Not limited to stories alone! If you have any ideas or topics you want the world to hear, speak up! We’re here to listen, write, and publish your thoughts. Your book will be more than just words on paper; it’ll be your legacy. Publish with us and retain 100% of the rights and profits

What Do We Write?

We write it all! Memoirs, biographies/autobiographies, fiction, non-fiction, business books, articles, and more. We publish a diverse range of works! We truly believe that variety is vital, so we publish various book types, from fairy tales to news articles, from recipes to satirical novels. Like many others, we assure that your book will be remembered for generations

Our Pride!

Some of our clients, now shining as New York Times Bestselling Authors, have shared their most remarkable life experiences with us. Among them are prominent businesspeople, philosophers, public figures, athletes, and individuals from around the world with incredible stories to share. Thanks to our writers' professional expertise, our book publishing company has secured fantastic deals with some reputable book publishing houses globally, including Bloomsbury and Random House

Why Choose Us

You can count on us for: Masterful word-weaving abilities Professional service Collaboration with industry experts Fully-guided publication process Timely delivery of your work

Individual approach

If you've experienced something extraordinary in life, you deserve recognition. Let us help you achieve it! If you're a great speaker but struggle with writing, we'd love to write your book! If you're a successful businessperson with ideas to share, let us know. We promise to create a masterpiece for you! If you're passionate about something, we're more than ready to write about it

Expert Book Writing Assistance by GhostWriterToTheRescue

Are you a budding author finding it hard to pen down your book? Seeking professional assistance to manifest your story into words? GhostWriterToTheRescue, your leading partner in professional book writing assistance, is here to help.

Our team is comprised of seasoned writers and editors committed to helping you reach your objectives, be it writing a memoir, a novel, a self-help book, or any other genre of book. Our suite of services includes ghostwriting, editing, publishing consultancy, and more, all tailored to assist you in producing a top-quality book that you can take pride in

What Makes Our Book Writing Assistance Stand Out?

Are you an aspiring writer finding it challenging to craft your book? Do you need expert advice and backing to weave your narrative? Your search ends at GhostWriterToTheRescue, your go-to source for top-tier book writing assistance.

Our squad of seasoned writers and editors is committed to facilitating the accomplishment of your goals, be it writing a memoir, novel, self-help guide, or any other type of book. Our range of services includes ghostwriting, editing, publishing consulting, and beyond, all curated to help you bring forth a high-quality book that you can take pride in.

At GhostWriterToTheRescue, we understand that the task of writing a book can seem formidable, and thus, we provide a comprehensive range of professional book writing services to guide you through every step. Here are some reasons why you should opt for our book writing assistance service:

Proficiency: Our team of writers and editors brings years of experience from the publishing industry and are experts in their respective domains. We can assist you with everything from idea development, manuscript writing and editing, to publishing and marketing your book.

Quality: Our dedication lies in providing high-standard writing that matches the most stringent publishing industry criteria. Our writers excel at producing compelling, well-structured prose that will engross readers and keep them flipping the pages.

Customization: We understand that every author and book is distinct, hence, we customize our services to align with your specific needs and preferences. We collaborate closely with you to create a tailored plan that caters to your goals and aspirations.

Punctuality: We comprehend the significance of adhering to deadlines, and we work diligently to ensure that your book is completed within the agreed time frame.

Affordability: We offer competitive pricing designed to fit your budget, without compromising on quality or expertise

What Types of Books Can We Assist You With?

At GhostWriterToTheRescue, we extend our expertise to a broad spectrum of book writing projects, including:

Fiction: Our authors possess the skills to weave captivating, well-structured novels that will mesmerize readers and keep them engrossed.

Memoirs: Whether you’re penning a personal memoir or a biography, our writers can assist in narrating your tale in a compelling and genuine manner.

Self-help: If your goal is to create a self-help book, our writers can help structure a work that is informative, engaging, and motivational.

Academic: Our writers bring vast experience in drafting academic books, and can aid in crafting a work that is thoroughly researched, informative, and reader-friendly.

Children’s books: Our writers are adept at developing narratives that are engaging and enjoyable for children across all age groups.

Engage Specialist Writers to Craft Your Book!

If you’re in search of professional assistance in book writing, GhostWriterToTheRescue is your ideal destination. We provide a suite of services tailored to support you at every stage, from idea conceptualization, manuscript writing and editing, to the publishing and marketing of your book. Here’s a glimpse of how our process unfolds:

Discovery: In the first step, we collaborate with you to fully grasp your vision, objectives, and target readership. We delve into the themes, framework, and style of the book, as well as any necessary research.

Planning: With a clear understanding of your vision, we draft a detailed plan illustrating the structure of the book, chapter outlines, and any required research or additional resources.

Writing: This is where the majority of the work is carried out. Our team of writers works hand-in-hand with you to write and revise the manuscript, ensuring the creation of engaging, well-articulated content that aligns with your vision for the book.

Editing: Once the initial draft is ready, our team of editors steps in to review the manuscript, ensuring it’s error-free and that the writing is refined and professional.

Publishing: We offer guidance through the intricate realm of book publishing, from selecting a publisher to formatting and printing your book.

Marketing: Post-publication, we assist in developing a marketing strategy to promote your book and reach your target audience


The timeline for finalizing a book through our writing services will depend on various factors including the project’s extent, the required level of involvement, and the writer’s schedule. We adopt a bespoke approach, where we closely collaborate with you to determine a mutually agreeable timeline

Begin by considering the goal of your song, such as the topic, theme, or target audience. Once you have a goal, find a beat that resonates with you. Listen to the beat repeatedly and create a hook that aligns with your goal. With a hook in place, you can start writing your first verse, using the hook as a central focus to which your verses should connect

Indeed, you can hire someone to assist you with book writing. Our writing services feature a team of experienced writers who can support you in various facets of book writing, including ideation, outlining, writing, editing, and publishing. We tailor our services to your specific requirements to ensure you receive the necessary assistance to produce the best possible book

You can locate someone to help write your book by executing an online search for book writing services, examining writers’ portfolios and reviews, and gauging their experience and expertise. Alternatively, you could solicit recommendations from friends, peers, or industry professionals who have previously worked with trustworthy book writing services

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